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Title: Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Prizes for Science and Technology-15th Edition (1438H- 2017G)
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Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Prizes for Science and Technology-15th Edition (1438H- 2017G) How to Apply Brochure for S&T Prize  ...

Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Prizes for Science and Technology-15th Edition (1438H- 2017G)


In recognition of the crucial role of Science and Technology (S&T) towards social and economic development, the IDB has, over the years, diversified and increased its assistance to its member countries in this area.

While the IDB continued to direct its efforts and financing to capacity-building, procuring equipment and establishing infrastructure of S&T, it has realized the necessity to develop a leading scientific elite among S&T institutions in member countries through the pursuit of excellence.


The Bank established the IDB Prizes for Science and Technology in 1422H (2001G). These prizes underscore the commitment to mustering the application of relevant contemporary scientific advancement for the socio-economic welfare of Member Countries by rewarding excellence among the academic and research institutions.

The objectives of the IDB Prizes for Science & Technology stand to:

  • Acknowledge and encourage the achievements of the successful institutions;
  • Promote sound and fruitful competition among the science and technology education and research institutions in Member Countries towards achieving excellence;
  • Raise awareness of policy among decision makers about the present and potential contribution of science and technology to sustainable development.


The IDB Prizes for S&T consist of three (3) prizes awarded on the occasion of the Annual Meeting of the IDB Board of Governors. Each prize will consist of a cash award of one hundred thousand (100,000) US dollars, a trophy and a certificate mentioning the name of the winner and its accomplishments.


The Prizes are awarded only to institutions (not to individuals) in IDB member countries in the following categories:

Category 1:
Outstanding scientific or technological contribution to the socio-economic development of a member country.

Category 2:
Outstanding contribution to any of the following scientific disciplines: Engineering; Agriculture; Medicine; Biotechnology; Information Technology; Optronics; Material Sciences; Pharmaceutical; Industrial Microelectronics; Nanotechnology and alternative Energy Sources.

Category 3:
Noted scientific research institutions in IDB least developed member countries (LDMCs).


Applications are invited from national, regional and international academic/research/development institutions of member countries, private or public.

Filling in an electronic application form

Interested institutions may download and complete the following electronic form:
Application Form ( Arabic - English - French)

as per following guidelines:
Guidelines for Application Form ( Arabic - English - French)

The completed electronic application form should be sent to the IDB Capacity Development Department Email : STPrize2017@isdb.org

Important Note : Installing Adobe Acrobat:
  1. In order to use the form properly, the user must have the latest version of Adobe Reader or Acrobat.
  2. If the form is not working properly or you have errors, it is advised to REMOVE/UNINSTALL all the existing versions of Adobe Acrobat/Reader, and install one of the latest version of Adobe Acrobat, or Adobe Reader, and after installation, Restart the PC.
  3. To download Adobe Reader, go to: http://www.adobe.com/downloads/
  4. As requirement to open the form directly, please install this necessary language pack
    Adobe Reader X
    Adobe Reader X1
    Adobe Reader DC
  5. For Chrome browser, please follow below steps:
    - Open chrome://plugins
    - Disable Chrome PDF Viewer 

If the space provided for any specific information is insufficient, annexes may be used with reference to the respective field number.

The completed forms along with any attachments should be received by the IDB Capacity Development Department or at one of the IDB Regional Offices.

Candidate institutions should not have received any science prizes in the same discipline in the same year. A winning institution will not be eligible to compete for the prize for five years after winning the prize.

A first-time applying institution not selected for any of the prizes will be considered in the subsequent year for competition unless it inform the IDB Capacity Development Department of its intention to withdraw its application.

Upon receipt of the application form at IDB, an acknowledgement message will be sent to the applicant.

Communications regarding the application may be performed through: Email - Fax - Telephone.

The completed forms along with their attachments should be received by the Capacity Development Department in IDB no later than no later than 01 Rabi Awwal 1438H (30th November 2016G), at the following address: 
Capacity Development Department,
Islamic Development Bank
P.O. Box 5925 Jeddah 21432 - Saudi Arabia
Email: STPrize2017@isdb.org
Tel.: (966-12) 6466361
Fax: (966-12) 6467828

Or alternatively care of one of the IDB Regional Offices 


Winners for the 15th Edition of the IDB Prizes for Science & Technology will be rewarded during the 42nd Annual Meeting of the IDB Board of Governors to be held in in 1438H-2017G. 

The names of the Prize Winners will also be announced through the following channels:
  • Members of the IDB Board of Governors;
  • Members of the IDB Board of Executive Directors;
  • Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH) of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC).
  • Major S&T and Financial Partners of the IDB;
  • International and IDB member countries media;


