Deadline: 12 September 2016
The Galaxies and Cosmology department of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA) in Heidelberg, Germany, invites candidates to apply for a PhD position in the field of extragalactic astronomy to be carried out under the supervision of Dr. Knud Jahnke.
The successful applicant will analyze two valuable datasets from the Hubble Space Telescope and the Very Large Telescope to investigate which mechanisms are triggering the growth of supermassive black holes in galaxies. The specific goal is to answer the question of whether galaxy mergers play a dominating role for black hole growth in galaxies at redshifts z=0.2 and z=2. More details on the project can be found on the institute's research group webpage.
Research will take place at the very stimulating academic environment of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg, Germany. MPIA is one of the leading astronomical institutions in Europe, with currently ~40 full-time faculty, ~55 post-docs, and ~50 PhD students. The associated course program takes place within the framework of the International Max Planck Research School in Heidelberg, in collaboration with the University of Heidelberg. PhD students from MPIA succeed exceptionally well in the international job market.
Your profile
The starting date can be as early as 1 October 2016, but a later starting date up to mid-2017 is subject to negotiation. The successful candidate must have a MSc degree (or equivalent) by the starting date.
Our offer
The program is nominally for four years, with a contract likely in the form of 3 initial years with a one year extension. PhD students at MPIA are paid as civil servants with a salary based on TVöD (wage agreement for the public service), level E13 (50 percent). Medical, social security and pension benefits are paid in accordance with the provisions of the civil service.
The Max Planck Society is an equal opportunity employer. Applications from women, disabled people, and minority groups are particularly welcome. The MPIA supports its employees in their search for suitable child care.
The Max Planck Society is an equal opportunity employer. Applications from women, disabled people, and minority groups are particularly welcome. The MPIA supports its employees in their search for suitable child care.
Your application
Applications should be sent by email to jobs16-06@mpia.de. A complete application includes a cover letter with preferred starting date, CV with list of publications, course record including grades from undergraduate and Master's courses (translated into English, if necessary), a summary of the Master's thesis, and a brief (1 page) statement of research interests and experience. Two letters of recommendation from scientists familiar with the applicant's work or studies should be sent to the same address. Incomplete applications can not be considered.
All applications sent by 12 September 2016 will receive full consideration. Later applications will be considered until the position is filled. Applicants are invited to contact Dr. Jahnke with any questions.
All applications sent by 12 September 2016 will receive full consideration. Later applications will be considered until the position is filled. Applicants are invited to contact Dr. Jahnke with any questions.