Currently, Philipps-Universität Marburg awards three doctoral scholarships each year for dissertation projects of exceptional academic quality to outstanding junior scholars who would like to pursue their dissertation at Philipps-Universität Marburg. The calls for applications alternate each year between the humanities and social sciences and the life and natural sciences and are announced in mid-July. Please find the current call for applications for scholarships in the life and natural sciences below.
The funding is provided in accordance with the Guidelines for the Award of Doctoral Scholarships at Philipps-Universität Marburg. Regarding equality standards, the Guidelines refer to the DFG-"Verwendungsrichtlinien Graduiertenkollegs mit guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis" (DFG's "Usage guidelines for Research Training Groups with instructions for the final report and regulations governing good scientific practice"). The scholarships are awarded for a maximum of three years. To promote equal opportunity, scholarship recipients with one or more children under 12 years of age can extend the scholarship and/or receive an additional childcare allowance. In the event of special personal circumstances (for example, disability or severe illness of the scholarship recipient, family members in need of special medical care, and similar circumstances), approval can be granted for a reduction of the original scholarship amount by as much as 50% and the scholarship extended accordingly. The support amount is currently 1,000 EUR per month plus material costs amounting to 103 EUR and, where applicable, a child allowance of 400 EUR for the first child and 100 EUR for each additional child.
Initial approval is for a twelve- or, as a rule, a 24-month period. Continued annual payment for the second or third year is possible upon favorable evaluation. The selection and extension processes entail report obligations and evaluation procedures. Doctoral candidates receiving funding are expected to become a member of MArburg University Research Academy (MARA).
Applications may be submitted online only. Please see the current call for applications for further information on application requirements, the application process, application deadlines and dates, documents to be submitted, and when support commences.
Please note that the faculties, research training groups, structured doctoral programs, and research projects often also award their own doctoral scholarships. Please inquire with your faculty, research training group, structured doctoral program, or research project for further information.
Dr. Claudia Kissling
MArburg University Research Academy (MARA)
Managing Director
Tel.: +49 (0)6421 28 26141
MArburg University Research Academy (MARA)
Managing Director
Tel.: +49 (0)6421 28 26141