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Title: AAUW’s International Fellowship program
Author: Hey Opportunity
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AAUW’s  International Fellowship program  has been in existence since 1917. The program provides support for women pursuing full-time gra...

AAUW’s International Fellowship program has been in existence since 1917. The program provides support for women pursuing full-time graduate or postdoctoral study in the United States who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents. A limited number of awards are available for study outside of the United States (excluding the applicant’s home country) to women who are members of Graduate Women International (see the list of GWI affiliates). Preference is given to women who show prior commitment to the advancement of women and girls through civic, community, or professional work.

Up to five International Fellowships for master’s/first professional degrees will be renewable for a second year; renewal instructions will be provided to fellows during their fellowship year.

Applications for AAUW International Fellowships are open August 1–December 1.
For questions or technical support,
please e-mail aauw@applyists.com.

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Award Amounts

Time Line


Criteria for Selection and Application Review


Application Components and Instructions

Required Components*

Tips for Proposal Preparation

Applications for AAUW International Fellowships are open August 1–December 1.
For questions or technical support,
please e-mail aauw@applyists.com.


