The MBA scholarship, offered to Business, Management and Accounting students, can assist you with the cost of studying this prestigious course.
The Aberdeen Business School is able to offer a limited number of scholarships to assist exceptionally able students who wish to undertake its MBA programme.
The MBA scholarship takes the form of a reduction in the normal tuition fees by a specified amount. Successful applicants will be responsible for paying the balance of their tuition fees, and for all their other travel and living expenses.
Full-time MBA
Scholarships typically range from £1,000 to £5,500 where awarded. The numbers of Scholarships awarded varies from region to region.
Scholarships typically range from £1,000 to £5,500 where awarded. The numbers of Scholarships awarded varies from region to region.
Online MBA and Executive Part-time MBA
Scholarships typically range from £500 to £3,700 where awarded and are open to all applicants.
Scholarships typically range from £500 to £3,700 where awarded and are open to all applicants.
All applicants must meet the normal admission criteria for the MBA programme.
All applicants must meet the normal admission criteria for the MBA programme. All applicants must be in possession of a current offer of a place on the MBA, MBA Information Management, or MBA Oil and Gas Management degrees BEFORE applying for a MBA scholarship.
The scholarship application is judged on three criteria:
- The student's past academic qualification
- Whether the student has demonstrated career progression and achievement, and
- Evaluation of an essay of 1,000 - 1,500 words written by the student.