The increasing diversity of our society reminds us that all of America’s citizens must have access to opportunity for higher education if our nation is to sustain and advance itself as a global, competitive democracy in the new millennium. The future of our nation’s economy, democracy, and quality of life is dependent upon the preparation of a diverse cadre of leaders who will help build a stronger society. These potential leaders, drawn from groups that have traditionally and historically been denied access to higher education, must receive the support needed to negotiate the pathway to completing a college education.
The Reason For The Gates Millennium Scholars Program USA
The increasing diversity of our society reminds us that all of America’s citizens must have access to opportunity for higher education if our nation is to sustain and advance itself as a global, competitive democracy in the new millennium. The future of our nation’s economy, democracy, and quality of life is dependent upon the preparation of a diverse cadre of leaders who will help build a stronger society. These potential leaders, drawn from groups that have traditionally and historically been denied access to higher education, must receive the support needed to negotiate the pathway to completing a college education.