Applications are invited for UGC National
Fellowship available to candidates who belong to Other Backward Classes (OBC) and wish to pursue higher studies leading to full-time M.Phil. and PhD degrees. The candidate should have passed the postgraduate examination and annual income of the beneficiary/parents or guardian of the beneficiary not exceeds Rs. 6.00 lakh per annum from all sources.
The objective of this award is to provide fellowships in the form of financial assistance to unemployed students belonging to OBC to pursue higher studies leading to M.Phil and Ph.D degrees (full-time) in Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences and Engineering & Technology, in India.
Course Level:Fellowships are available to pursue higher studies leading to M.Phil and Ph.D degrees (full-time) in Indian Universities/Institutions/ Colleges approved under Section 2(f) and 12(B) of the UGC Act. and in Non-Universities/Institutions.
Study Subject(s): Fellowships are awarded in the area of Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences and Engineering & Technology.
Scholarship Award: The candidate would be eligible for following financial assistance:
- Fellowship in Humanities, Social Sciences, Sciences, Engineering & Technology: @Rs.25000/-p.m. for initial two years and @Rs.28000/-p.m. for remaining tenure.
- Contingency A: @Rs.10000/-p.a. for initial two years and @Rs.20500/-p.a. for remaining tenure.
- Contingency B: @Rs.12000/-p.a. for initial two years and @Rs.25000/-p.a. for remaining tenure.
- Departmental Assistance: @Rs. 3000/- p.a. per student to the host and institution for providing infrastructure
- Escorts/Reader assistance: @ Rs. 2000/- p.m. in cases of physically and handicapped & blind candidates.
- HRA: As per rules of the University/ Institutions.