Deadline: June 2016
What are EISA Explanatory Symposia?
Each of EISA’s Exploratory Symposia will involve five cross-national scholars who will meet over three days. EISA will fund up to six symposia with a maximum of five participants per symposium based on the quality of proposals received. We invite proposals from both newly established and already established research groups to engage in activities that will advance the field of International Studies in Europe. Please note that a participation fee of 100 € applies to each participant and all participants must be EISA members. Funding of the Exploratory Symposia covers accommodation and half board (breakfast and lunch) plus an opening dinner on Wednesday 2nd November for up to five participants per group. Travel costs and other costs are to be covered by participants.
What kind of research groups are the Exploratory Symposia for?
Research groups at either stage might use their Symposium to discuss and draft detailed proposals for special issues of a journal, for books or edited collections, or for submissions to a funding organisation. Research groups would be encouraged to publish their results in peer-reviewed journals or relevant book series, including EISA’s PSIR book series or journals. Please note that groups must indicate in their application whether they wish to meet to discuss the establishment of a new research group OR whether they are advanced in their work and wish to discuss a publishing proposal. The prime criteria of decision-making in awarding an exploratory symposium are academic quality and the potential for advancing International Studies in Europe.
What format do the Exploratory Symposia take?
Participants will be expected to arrive in Rapallo on the afternoon of day one (Wednesday 2nd November) and depart in the afternoon of day four (Saturday 5 th November). The meetings will take place from Thursday 3rd – Saturday 5th November 2016. EISA will cover accommodation and half board (breakfast and lunch) during this period plus an opening dinner Wednesday evening. Participants must cover their own travel and any other expenses.
Who may apply?
EISA members. We encourage participants or section chairs of the Pan-European Conference on International Relations and European Workshops in International Studies (EWIS) as well as other International Studies events to apply to continue their work through the Exploratory Symposia. However, all applicants must follow the same procedures and a proposal which comes from a previous panel/section has no a priori advantage over other proposals.
The deadline for applications to the 2016 Exploratory Symposia is 20 June 2016. Applicants will be informed of the success or otherwise of their application by 27 June 2016.
Email applications and queries must be emailed to EISA Board Member Victoria M. Basham at: BashamV@cardiff.ac.uk