Deadline: vary
The international Science@FELs Conference, organized by
Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste, will take place from September 5 to September 7, 2016 at the Savoia Excelsior Palace in Trieste. This conference is a follow up of the Science@FELs 2014 at the Paul Scherrer Institute and the one in 2012 at DESY and will henceforth be organized regularly as an activity of the Collaboration of European FEL and SPS Facilities (
FELs OF EUROPE). This year
Laserlab Europe will take part in the organization of the Science@FELs conference with the aim to stimulate more extensive cross-fertilization and collaboration between the two communities, i.e. those working with lab-scale lasers and FELs, respectively.
Science@FELs 2016 will focus on the scientific highlights achieved during the last years in the fast evolving development and operation lasers sources that are enabling experiments to shorter wavelengths, adding element and chemical state specificity by exciting and probing electronic transitions from core levels.
Industrial sponsors:
Scientific Committee Elettra – C. Masciovecchio (Chair) PSI – R. Abela FLASH - J. Feldhaus HZDR - M. Helm Radboud University – B. Redlich XFEL – S. Molodtsov CFEL - F. X. Kärtner University of California Irvine - S. Mukamel Politecnico Milano – G. Cerullo Imperial College London - J. Marangos Max-Born Institute,Berlin - M. Vrakking | Local Organizing Committee Elettra - C. Masciovecchio Elettra - M. Svandrlik Elettra - E. Principi Elettra - F. Bencivenga Elettra - A. Simoncig Elettra - R. Mincigrucci Elettra - L. Foglia Elettra - R. Skabar |